Worship at St Maxentius
Worship at St Maxentius
As part of a Church of England family we seek to meet the needs of all children, wherever they may be on their journey of Faith and Belief.
“We want pupils to leave school with a rich experience and understanding of Christianity, and we are committed to offering them an encounter with Jesus Christ and with Christian faith and practice in a way that enhances their lives.Collective worship in schools, including prayer, reading and reflecting on the Bible, liturgy, sacrament and experience of the musical and other imaginative riches of Christianity, provide a vital opportunity for this.”
Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of our school and offers the children the opportunity to encounter Faith by engaging in conversations about God both individually and together. We work in close partnership with the Church community and the Clergy have a pivotal role to play in school.
Collective worship gives pupils and school staff the opportunity to:
Engage in an act of community.
Express praise and thanksgiving to God.
Be still and reflect.
Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events.
Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness.
Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ.
Affirm Christian values and attitudes.
Share each other's joys and challenges.
Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar.
See our worship policy below.
I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
John 10:10
Collective Worship
An act of Collective Worship takes place every day and is an integral part of school life, making space for pupils and staff to come together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer. Our worship is inclusive and gives all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, while respecting the integrity of family and cultural backgrounds.
Our weekly pattern of collective worship is as follows:
Monday – Head Teacher/ Deputy Headteacher Worship based on Christian Values
Tuesday – Worship led by Church Clergy : the church calendar
Wednesday – Ethos to go / Wiggle Worship
Thursday – Worship led by a Teacher based on British values and current affairs linked to Christian values
Friday - Celebration Assembly
During particular times in the Christian Calendar there will be changes to the above structure. Additionally the children will attend church for special services and Christian festivals
Our Friends Rev Hannah Lane, Joanna Haslam and Jan Bennett and other members of the Church are in school regularly leading and supporting children in their Faith journey.
In addition to this the children including Children’s Chaplains and Ethos Leaders will lead collective worship across the school and in classes.
Children’s Chaplains support children in their journey through Faith.
Our School Prayer
This is our school
Let peace dwell here
Let the room be full of contentment
Let love abide here
Love of one another
Love of mankind, love of life itself and love of God
Let us remember, that as many hands build a house
So many hearts build a school
At St Maxentius, we have worked with staff and children to define what Spirituality is:
“Spirituality is a feeling inside ourselves, it is awe and wonder, questioning, thinking deeply and being aware of something bigger than ourselves.”
Our curriculum allows children to:
Develop curiosity
Talk about ethical issues
Value learning
Explore Spiritual issues
Enjoy asking and answering questions
Think deeply
Spirituality is felt within ourselves as individuals and so cannot be taught or measured, instead, being nutured and given the right conditions and space to grow. We acknowledge that Spirituality is deeply personal and so we provide the children with the opportuinities to develop their own spiritual journey in many ways. Our shared understanding draws upon the work of Liz Mills, who uses the concept of a ring doughnut to explain Spirituality. The doughnut represents the whole child with the outer ring being what you can see of a person (mind & body) and the hole being the spirit: the unseen. Without the hole, the doughnut would not be complete, it is the exploration and development of our inner spirit that makes us whole.
At St Maxentius, we use windows, mirrors and doors as one of our strategies to talk about Spirituality :
Some of the opportunities for Spiritual growth include:
Yoga / mindfulness being present
Gratitude & thankfulness
Celebrate different traditions
Charity work / kindness
Crafts and creative activities
Opportunities to deepen connections with nature
Prayer and Prayer spaces
Reflection spaces