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For more information please click the link for the school prospectus

Admissions Policy

To read about our admissions policy please click the button below. St Maxentius school admits:
30 children in Reception and Years 1-2
34 children in Years 3-6.

Admission to Reception 2023

To apply for a place at St Maxentius CE Primary School you must live in Bolton. Bolton Council co-ordinates the admission arrangements for the school. The school liaises with Bolton Council and Manchester Diocesan Board of Education on admissions issues.

If you have a child with a date of birth between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 you child is due to start reception in September 2023.

Read through the booklet 

 Admission to Primary School 2023, which gives information about the admission process.

Read the guidance notes to help you to apply.

Please note that you will need to apply on-line for a school in Bolton.  No paper forms are available.  If you do not have access to a computer at home you can get access to one at the One Stop Shop in the Town Hall, local libraries and children’s centres.

The website for online applications will close on 15 January 2023. Applications received after this date will be marked as late and will prejudice your child’s application. 

School offer day is 16 April 2023. Information will not be provided before this date in any circumstance. Offers will be made by email only

16th April 2022, along with this you will receive an appeal form if Bolton Local Authority has not been able to offer you your school of preferred choice


Where the governors are unable to offer a place because the school is over- subscribed, parents have the right to appeal to an independent admission appeal panel, set up under the School Standards and Framework Act, 1998, as amended by the Education Act, 2002.  Parents will have the opportunity to submit their case to the panel in writing and also to attend in order to present their case.  You will normally receive 14 days' notice of the place and time of the hearing.

A leaflet explaining the appeal procedure is obtainable from the School Admission, Bolton Council.

Any appeals organised by the local authority will be timetabled accordingly with the school and this information will be available retrospectively each term.

with the school and this information will be available retrospectively each term.

Transferring between primary schools

Bolton Council is responsible for co-ordinating admissions into all schools for those families resident within Bolton Metropolitan Borough.

This includes:

·            Children wishing to change from one school to another within the borough

·            Children who have arrived into the borough requiring a school place

·            Children wishing to move from an independent school to a school maintained by the Council

·            Children resident in the borough but requiring admission to a school in another borough

Parents or carers must complete the application form  after reading the notes of guidance.  There is also a second form that the current school, if it is in Bolton, must complete.

You must make sure your child’s continues to attend their current school whilst your application is being considered however it is recognised that for families who have moved into Bolton this may not always be possible. You must, in such circumstances, inform the headteacher at their previous school of the arrangements you are making.

Bolton Council appeal information

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